Sunday, September 25, 2005

I know I'm going to hell for this...but COME ON! There's a news story about suburban police departments "dumping" homeless people in L.A. Now, there's going to be some big internal investigation over vagrant "relocation", for pete's sake. Please tell me that ONE MORE crack-ho or wino is going to be noticed in the cess-pool of the City of Angels.
This has been a common practice since I was a wee rookie. In fact, the city PDs would get into the "moving" spirit, themselves. Let's be in the hell do you think that some drug-addicted, broke-ass, can't find their ass with both hands vagrant finds their way out into the suburbs? I'll give you one guess, and it isn't by their own initiative. "Move the moocher" is a game played by both city and suburban PDs. The city officers get the shits of dealing with the same crazy bastard that stands on the middle of traffic and screams that his ass is on fire. So, they give him a ride to the lovely country. Within minutes, there is a pissed off call or ten to 911 and that department drops the guy back in the city. And so it goes...


Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said...

I believe the answer lies within the Waste Management industry: we gather up all the bums and place them on floating barges in the middle of the Atlantic.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Traffic Goddess said...

I think you have just nailed another plank in your Presidential platform!

1:56 AM  

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