USA USA USA USA USA USA (say it with me, y'know you want to...)
I am unashamedly a huge fan of the Olympics. It may be because I can clearly recall special moments, times shared by my family as we watched and cheered on our athletes. It also may be because my father had been asked to be on the US Olympic Weightlifting team in the 1960's. I know that the first time I ever watched an ice hockey game, it was the BIG game between the USA and USSR. I can still see Herb Brooks standing behind the players' bench and the "dogpile" on the ice when we won. I remember seeing a tiny Russian gymnast that performed as if gravity did not affect her, receiving perfect scores.
Okay...okay...okay, I confess that I love watching the figure skating. Like most little girls, I was fascinated by my peers that were so perfect that they were able to compete on a world stage. This was also my first real glimpse at people from other countries. Remember, it wasn't so long ago that anything to do with the USSR was swathed in secrecy. To a small child, the idea that an entire country of people live behind an "iron curtain" is something that is frightening and fascinating.
(Okay....this is fucking IT! Blogger ate another damn post. FUCK.)
I am unashamedly a huge fan of the Olympics. It may be because I can clearly recall special moments, times shared by my family as we watched and cheered on our athletes. It also may be because my father had been asked to be on the US Olympic Weightlifting team in the 1960's. I know that the first time I ever watched an ice hockey game, it was the BIG game between the USA and USSR. I can still see Herb Brooks standing behind the players' bench and the "dogpile" on the ice when we won. I remember seeing a tiny Russian gymnast that performed as if gravity did not affect her, receiving perfect scores.
Okay...okay...okay, I confess that I love watching the figure skating. Like most little girls, I was fascinated by my peers that were so perfect that they were able to compete on a world stage. This was also my first real glimpse at people from other countries. Remember, it wasn't so long ago that anything to do with the USSR was swathed in secrecy. To a small child, the idea that an entire country of people live behind an "iron curtain" is something that is frightening and fascinating.
(Okay....this is fucking IT! Blogger ate another damn post. FUCK.)
If masturbating were an Olympic sport, I'd be bringing home the gold!
P.S. - Unban me from PoliceHub!
I usually dread all the networks hype on the Olympic Events. But I always find some great moments during the Olympics.
I was about 12 years old and a sports FREAK at the time (hell I still know that Dave Schultz led the National Hockey League in penalty minutes in 1979)
I remember it all....
Herb Brooks,The play by play (Do you believe in miracles???), The Stick Toss, Dogpile,were all seared into my mind.
The 2 most outstanding moments for me were Jim Craig draped in the stars and stripes searching the crowd mouthing the words "Where's my dad?" (I still have the Boston Herald black and white front page photo in one of my old scrapbooks)
The other moment was Mike Eruzione calling the team up to the medal platform and ALL of them actually fitting on there for a brief second. THAT was destiny.
Half of that team was from the Boston area and people still brag about them guys around here.
In Boston we live and breathe sports.
Our boys made up a good share of the miracle on ice
We broke the curse of the Babe.
The Pat's had the makings of a football dynasty
Now we just gotta get the Bruins a Cup and mission complete.
I moved my blog to from Blogger. Have a look, it runs on WordPress but you can customize it at will. Also, they don't stick a banner at the top of your blog, just down in the sidebar where you can leave it at the end of your links and such. I'm still adjusting the template so mine may not be a shining example. (It works for my screen settings).
I've kept Blogger for sticking things in but the main blog is over on Blogsome. The only thing I miss is how much simpler it is to add pictures to Blogger rather than ftping them to my hosted site and then linking them to the blog on Blogsome.
I'm cheering the Canadians at the Olympics. :) We did quite well this time.
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