Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Whippin' That Ass

It must be Wednesday, because I am in a serious ass-kicking mood. It seems I can't take a breath without someone or something pissing me off. You think that fate would give a goddess a break, but no...fate has obviously decided to become an amateur proctologist and see how much and how hard it can shove an unlimited supply of ginormous fuck-you's right Up MY ASS! As a result, ain't nobody getting a pleasurable spanking. Tough shit...why should I make YOUR ass feel better? What have you done for a bitch, lately, huh?

Pittsburgh Penguins- What in the flying FUCK is the major malfunction with you guys??? How do you expect me to hold my head up and defend your sorry asses when it comes to those rotten ratfuck Flyers fans (Bite me, Hans!) when you play like you have your heads firmly implanted in your anus? Yeah...okay, the first half of the season was a wash but does that mean that you have to play like the US Women's Hockey team? No...actually, I think even the US Women's team could whip your asses, right now. I suggest you start playing like you have some hairy dangly things before there is a uniform change and you rat bastards have to play in skirts.

Senate Judiciary Committee- You all are some pompous, over-inflated windbags. Do you realize that if you put a fraction of that effort that you put forth in grandstanding towards actually making a freaking effort at getting something DONE, we wouldn't have HALF the problems we have, today. Shut your fucking mouths and DO the job that you were sent to do. No one gives a flying shit about your petty power-grabbing speeches. If I had my choice, I'd send fate over to visit each and every one of you when it comes knocking on my door in the mood to do some colon exploration.

Senator Arlen Spector- This is your second time that you have made my ass-whoopin' list. What kind of fucktard are you that you want to pass a law saying that people cannot express their opinion on the internet? Anyone that gets their panties in a wad over shit said online needs a foot up their ass to wake them up to reality. Get a fucking life...if you can't take people telling you that you are a fucking moron because you are to obtuse to see the obvious, then press that little power button. Otherwise, shut up and crawl back under your rock so no one has to deal with you.

Goddess gem: What if the hokey-pokey is really what it is all about?


Blogger Elle said...

First off....I'm LOVIN' the Goddess gem. Keep it up.

I sense a little anger, baby. I feel sorry for the asses of those you whip today.

11:44 AM  
Blogger fyrchk said...

Let me know when it is safe to come out of hiding.

And if it makes you feel any better, I'm feeling the same way about the Caps.

9:36 AM  
Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said...

Once again, I've been snubbed.

12:14 PM  

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