Saturday, December 31, 2005

Let's Go PENS! (and) Go FSU!!!
I haven't talked about hockey for a while, so I thought it was time to blog a bit about my Penguins. As some of you know, the Pens have had a rotten season, so far. But, Thank God!!! They decided to get rid of Eddie "O" for Obselete (YAY) and bring up Michel Therrien from the Baby Pens. Therrien has some major mojo because the Baby Pens have had a kick-ass season so far with very few losses. Thursday's Pens win again NJ seemed to show that Therrien has finally gotten his system in place and that the Pens may be down...but they sure as hell are not OUT! Only time will tell, of course, but I think that they are about to break out as the team with the most heart in this season.

Goddess germinations: Why is Joe Paterno such a rotten, stuck-up prick? And, when will people realize that the man is actually dead (has been for 20 years) and the body was reanimated by an evil, small-minded asshole? Go FSU!!!


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