Syphilitic Sheep Whore Strikes Again!Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the internet, NZtwat returns: Actually from Hitler (account deleted) pathetic woman....This is NZ's man. Just wanted to tell you somethin...she came on to this fucked up Tuckermax sight to agree with you all on the Nazi twins and she had her bit to add just like the rest of you....ok big deal she didnt read the fucking tell her to read them before she re-posts?!!!! Instead....she get this over dramatised psychotic rant from you asswipes...and comments in her validity like I WISH YOU WOULD DIE BITCH!!! Now...I'd have to agree with her that you could have just told her to read the rules instead of the totally uneccesary drawn out hateful post you wrote....after all was it really THAT big a deal??? Did she commit a crime? Slag any of you off??....WAS IT REALLY SOMETHING SO MAJOR THAT IT WOULD UPSET AND ANGER YOU THAT MUCH? We thought surely not - its only a fucking forum......but then it all became IS a big deal to you fact....its a HUGE deal.....its become clear that this place IS YOUR LIFE...this is your world!!! From the amount of time you spend online and how much you all lick eachothers asses Im guessing none of you HAVE a life outside we have come to realise WHY the huge deal when it couldve been a friendly comment suggesting she read the rules....word of advice....this is common for people who become addicted to the net...they start to become over sensative and extremely abusive and lose all sense of normal reaction to any given online may want to stay offline for a while and stand back....take a look at yourself and your attitude....a little scary. that we understand WHY you went off your nut-nut over a little bit of LOL, a couple of abbreviations and 3 colors......we can simply say.....WE ARE VERY SORRY....WE WERENT THEN AWARE OF YOUR PASSIONATE DEPENDANCY AND OBSESSION WITH THIS THING.... sincere apologies and we both hope you get well soon....all of you. ************ Wow...this bitch is fucking bat-shit crazy! Let there be no doubt about that. My response: Re: Actually from Hitler (account deleted) Are you really as fucking bat-shit crazy as you are coming across in these posts? Because if you are, you need some serious help. I find it hilarious that you think I'm anywhere near as brain-damaged as you are in that I would believe that this last missive was from your husband. No American writes like that or uses those phrases or wording. I think that the syphilis you caught from working in the New Zealand whorehouse where he found you must have fucked up your mental processes. The only obsessed person here is you. You were the one that took my criticism that was aimed at SEVERAL people and made it personal. You are the one that needs to acquire a fucking's the fucking INTERNET, you crazy bitch. No one takes this shit seriously. I find it extremely funny that you think I was "upset and angry". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm too busy laughing at your stupid, simple ass to get pissed off at anything. Besides, as a result of the syphilis, you probably only have two remaining brain cells left...once in a great while they collide to form a thought. It's a shame that it isn't a coherent one as evidenced by your writings. So, keep up the death threats and the other funny shit. The laughs are priceless, you dumb cunt.
More Missives from Bat-Shit NZTrampMy pal from TMMB, "IamRob" has shared with me some PMs that my crazed New Zealand sheep prostitute has been sending to him. I thought that I would share the funny with all of you: 10-24-2005, 12:51 PM NewZealandGurl Junior Member Join Date: Oct 2005 Posts: 5 vCash: 500 Validation Points: -47 Your vocabulary is impressive spastic boy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sigh.........another ignorant loud mouthed yank spewing a mouthful of abuse.....what did you expect after your nasty post?....A wink and a few kisses? And you're actually wrong tosser...if I posted a personal note to you on the thread you'd all jump on my ass for not reading the rules again! Make up your damn mind're contradicting I go by the rules?...or not???????? Dittthhhneeeylaaaayyyynnddd!!!!!!!!!!! (Glad you got to look like you were excited...good for you!) 10-24-2005, 12:55 PM IamRob See you Auntie. Join Date: Oct 2004 Location: New Jersey Posts: 527 vCash: 73 Validation Points: 1071 You know, I wasn't convinced that you were a psychotic whore until now. I'm glad we both have found peace of mind. Listen, the only business you have being here is as the butt of our jokes. If you want to be here, fine. Just don't post. If you do post, expect the treatment you get. Read the drivel you type and tell me that you aren't crazy. You're boyfriend must be the most desperate guy to go out with such an ugly cunt of a woman. NewZealandGurl Junior Member Join Date: Oct 2005 Posts: 5 vCash: 500 Validation Points: -47 Re: Your vocabulary is impressive spastic boy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------'re a charmer're whats known world wide as a typical yank. I'm a cunt? ha ha!!! Righto dear....My husband is 10 times more of a man than you'll ever be,,,10 times better looking....and 10 times more educated,sweet,loving , loyal and everything else that you most probably are NOT. (Huge for look like a weed) IamRob See you Auntie. Join Date: Oct 2004 Location: New Jersey Posts: 527 vCash: 73 Validation Points: 1071 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's so fucking funny. Ok, that's good. There are a lot of people better looking than I. But I STILL wouldn't fuck you. I wouldn't fuck you with my dog's dick. I mean someone has to like cranky NewZealenders with sand up their vaginas who resemble a deformed Cher. Maybe that's just coincedentally your boyfriend's fetish. In which case, congratulations. Tell him I thank him for serving for his country, but he can do much better than you, you stupid ugly hog. NewZealandGurl Junior Member Join Date: Oct 2005 Posts: 5 vCash: 500 Validation Points: -47 Re: Your vocabulary is impressive spastic boy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oh and by the way....a whore is a woman who sleeps around.....which makes you an ignorant retard (we'll just say..."yank") for even using the word as you dont know me OR who I sleep with...for the record...JUST MY MAN!!! And for you to say how ugly I am is just immature as its pretty obvious I'm dont be mad cos you cant have me honey....not into boney little pink boys....Samoans all the way! Enjoy the rest of your're a waste of breath... IamRob See you Auntie. Join Date: Oct 2004 Location: New Jersey Posts: 527 vCash: 73 Validation Points: 1071 Re: Your vocabulary is impressive spastic boy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then call me out on the board. Do it. I'm blocking your PMs. If you want to call me out, you fucking ugly fat greasy cow cunt. Do it. Please. You won't though. For one every simple reason: you know, deep down, that I'm right That you're filthy. This board is about calling people out, so you won't get banned, and yours posts won't get deleted. Do it, because I'm not spending my day PMing you while we go back and forth about why you're stupid for thinking you're pretty. Do it. Call me out. Respond to the thread. I'm blocking : NewZealandGurl Junior Member Join Date: Oct 2005 Posts: 5 vCash: 500 Validation Points: -47 Re: Your vocabulary is impressive spastic boy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- so you have the protection and back up of all your little pretend friends of cyber space? LOL! whatever....if you cant stand up for yourself......forget it..... WIMP *************************** Gee, "hitler"....who is the "wimp"? Posting bitchy little comments on my blog? I thought so. Oh, a message from IamRob: "You are a filthy fucking tramp who I hope catches fire from your oily face. And maybe, just maybe, this fire will make your face more tolerable in public than your current one." Have fun playing with your sheep.
Like Catnip For Crazies, I AmSome of you may have noticed the strange comments left on my last entry from "hitler". I had started to remove them and then I thought, fuck that...I'll let everyone see what a nutjob this crazy bitch is that is following me around the internet. You see, for some reason, I seem to attract the strange, the whacked out, the fucked up beyond all repair. They flock to me like the famous star that shone high in the heavens above that famous manger in the sky. I am, truly, like catnip to crazy people. I have experienced this phenomenon on and offline. It crosses gender lines, state lines, even (I am discovering) international lines. My first experience with this was some psychotic woman that would sit outside of the police station for hours just to catch a glimpse of me. She would leave long, rambling messages on the station answering machine that made absolutely no sense. For a time, I was able to ignore her and pass it off as being harmless. Occasionally, she would go and stand on the bridge over the river when I worked midnight shift. I don't know if she was hoping I would talk her out of jumping, but she was shit out of luck. Anything that was over the river or wet, was out of my jurisdiction. Once in a while, one of the guys would drive by and see her on the bridge and I would hear over the talk-around channel "Jump! Jump! Jump!" She never did. After a while, though, it began to get creepy. She somehow found out where I lived and began to cruise past my house. I then found out from mental health authorities that she believed that if she could get me to kill her that she would "become" me. It all culminated in a traffic stop one night where I almost did drop the hammer on her when she tried her best to get me to shoot her. I still have the scar on my hand from where I stopped the hammer of my gun from striking the cartridge just before impact. I left that department and went to another one in a different county. I figured I was free of her, but nooooooooo....within a week, the crazy bitch had MOVED into my jurisdiction! It wasn't long though before she did something bat-shit nuts enough to get locked up. She had moved into a trailer with a stripper. (Yes, a stripper.) One day, she got into her piece of shit car and drove three trailers down and slammed into a minivan that was pulling into a driveway. The crazy bitch got out of her car and looked at the damage, got back in, then she backed up and slammed into the minivan again. After that, she backed the entire way to her driveway and went inside. That stunt gave her a one-way ticket to the state hospital. Since then, there have been various idiots and morons. Some online, some off. The latest is this freak of nature from New Zealand that calls herself "hitler" on my blog. Real class act, huh? Actually, I'll let you judge for yourself, her picture is at the top of the page. She posted that in an effort to make me jealous of her, I guess. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA The bitch looks like she's been using Crisco as foundation. (Thanks, Seanny Rotten!) Either that, or it's from all of the sweat she's working up at her job...did you know that prostitution is legal in New Zealand? You can tell that they must grow them really fucking stupid down there. Just reading anything this person writes can make your IQ drop by several points, so I don't recommend it. Here's the backstory on this pathetic tramp: Most of you know that I post on TMMB and that we occasionally like to "make new friends" by visiting other forums. We were right in the middle of one of these forays when the aforementioned NewZealandTwat decides to blunder in and further fuck things up. When I call her on it, instead of just shutting the hell up and learning from her mistakes, she decides to act like a total freaking loon and starts posting whacked out shit that makes absolutely no sense. I got PMs that were quite pathetic and amusing at the same time. And now, childish attempts at bashing me on my comment section of my blog. need to go back and play with the sheep, because you can't handle what I've got for you.
Dear God, Why are my pets retarded?Some of you may know that I have a new addition to the household. I went on this past summer and found a cute little ball of fur that only weighed 3 pounds. This critter was supposed to be a Belgian Shepherd and I named him Ulfric, after one of my favorite characters in the Laurel K. Hamilton, "Anita Blake" series. Ulfric and I have had an interesting few months. It began when we had the fun process of worming. My 3 lb. puppy shit a pound of freaking worms. You know, after working the street as a cop and being a mom, I thought I had pretty much covered all of the disgusting experiences a human could stumble upon. But, no...seeing a clump of live worms that closely resemble pasta squirming their way out of a puppy's shitting ass happened to top it all. Much worse, I had to clean it up so the little bastard didn't chow down on it. (Something that would have had me screaming in my sleep for weeks if I had observed it.) Ulfric is only going into his fifth month but he now weighs close to 40 lbs. And, my Belgian Shepherd isn't Belgian...he is Dutch. Yes, I have a nationality-challenged dog. It does explain some of the weird things that he does, I'm convinced of it. You see, Ulfric is in love. He is in love with Spiderman. This Spiderman is a doll of my son's and he began life as a well-abused action figure that was thrown across rooms and run over with toy trucks. After Spidey got to be boring to my son, he was adopted by my other strange pet- Trooper Kitty. Trooper is a big orange & white tomcat that started dragging Spiderman around by the head. The cat would drag this doll and then beat the shit out of it for a while, and then drag it some more. When it came time to visit the testicle fairy at the vet's office, Trooper Kitty took Spidey with him for comfort. After I brought Trooper's balless ass home, he and Spidey had a falling out. Trooper must have blamed the entire event on the doll because he broke it's neck and abandoned it. Spiderman languished in my son's toybox after that until he was discovered by Ulfric. The puppy began his love affair with Spiderman by chewing off most of a leg. I had to go around picking up pieces of Spidey stuffing that were scattered about the house and yard. Fine, puppies chew, it is an expected thing. However, Ulfric decided to get amorous with Spidey and I decided it was time for an intervention. Uh read right- my dog began humping Spiderman. So, the webbed wonder has been sent to that big landfill in the sky...well, actually, in the next town...and I am trying to make sure that my dog doesn't develop any further kinky habits like making love to G.I. Joe.
I am not one of those brainless idiots that drives around with a bumper sticker that says something about God making the sky blue and white because of Penn State. In fact, I feel a homicidal urge overtake me every time I see one.The very statement typifies the smug fucktardness that makes me want to slap the vacant drooling look from their face until I feel better. These are the same people that think that Joe Paterno can do no wrong. OF COURSE THE MAN CAN DO NO WRONG, HE'S BEEN FUCKING DEAD FOR THE LAST 20 YEARS!!!!! Don't believe me? Watch him closely. The hesitant speech, the weird robotic movement...yes, the man was replaced by animatronics from Disney after he fell over during mid-rant sometime in the 1980's. I had an opportunity to experience the arrogance of one of the players and their family, personally. One night while I was on duty, I saw a Jeep that was being driven on the sidewalk. When I stopped it, smelled the expected odor of a brewery and asked the driver to step out, I saw the biggest human being I've ever laid eyes on. Said huge human failed tests and was arrested for DUI. On the way to the hospital for the blood test, he seemed shocked that I didn't know who he was. He said he was a starter for Penn State. I shrugged and said he had the bad luck to get the only officer in that county who could care less about football. No sooner did we get to the hospital than the guy's mommy was calling and ripping me a new asshole for arresting this paragon of society. She said that he "provided a service to the community" and was a "role model" and how dare I do this. After hanging up on her, we drew the blood and returned. I had to deal with several more calls from mommy after that. Each one becoming more and more self-entitled. I fucking HATE Penn State.
Fuck the French!I've always known that the French were worthless stinky bastards that couldn't save their own asses if the instructions were written at the level any fucktard could understand. But, this most recent outrage goes so far past what constitutes "hateful behavior" that these people need to be bombed back into the fucking Stone Age so that they might come back as decent human beings. I cannot conceive of a person using a dog on a hook for shark bait. I'd suggest that we use the French, instead, but I don't even think that sharks would eat something that rancid.
"History of Violence"I went to see this film, tonight, and I am still hovering in the afterglow of seeing Viggo Mortensen as I never have before. I have decided that he is about as close to the Perfect Man as you can get. That being said, I have to admit that I found this film disquieting in that it portrayed violence and the effect on the persons touched by it in a way that was brutally honest. I liked how the director did not see the need to spoonfeed his audience pieces of the plot and that you were permitted to arrive at your own conclusions. While some people might find this annoying because it leaves some pieces of the plot left adrift, I found that it left room for introspection and discussion...two things that films should imprint upon you before you leave the theater. I'm not going to ruin it by writing about what exactly happens because figuring that out is part of the enjoyment. Suffice it to say that this is a film that should not be missed and one that shows Viggo in the prime of his career as an actor.